John Wesley Hyatt created the first synthetic polymer in 1869. The invention of which, freed us from the constraints of nature. Where once industries were restricted to using wood, metal, stone, bone, tusk, and horn, we had finally created a brand new material that was durable, and stronger than any other naturally occurring polymer such as cotton, starch, and rubber, that were already in use. Plastic was a revolution. It was is far more versatile and reliable - capable of being moulded into multiple shapes and forms. Quickly, its usage became wide and varied. Initially the material was advertised as the saviour of the elephant and the tortoise - an upgrade from ivory. Plastics could protect the natural world from the destructive forces of human need. We never imagined we would be on the brink of a disaster caused by the overconsumption of plastics.
102, 10th Floor, Maker Chamber VI, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021